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Showing posts from July, 2010

New Research On Origin Of Shina Language

Published on:  Dawn News By  S yed Shamsuddin   A book Shina Literature and Poetry published recently is a trailblazing effort by Ghulam Hussain Anjum Danyori. The author has attempted to trace the origin and evolution of Shina language spoken by people inhabiting the Karakoram and Hindukush ranges along the Indus and Gilgit rivers. Tracing the origin of ‘Shina’ dialect in its correct historical perspective has always been a difficult and tentative exercise because of divergent views of other researchers. How the Shina language evolved is somewhat of a mystery that lies buried somewhere in the valleys of the mountains that have remained isolated for long despite travelers and adventurers traversing the land and carrying their accounts to the plains. But few such accounts yield any certain information about the languages of this area. Scarce indigenous material also gives few clues. There seems to have been no transmission of even folk knowledge from generati...

Bagrote Valley's Virgin Charms

Bagrote valley’s virgin charms (Published in DAWN dated July 11, 2010) By  S yed Shamsuddin   The picturesque Bagrote valley has retained its natural scenic beauty even in these times of change. Barely 40 kilometers from Gilgit, it is sandwiched between Bilchar Dobani and the awesome serenity of the Rakaposhi. The Diran peak looks on from   the snow-covered sierras that surround it and the rugged grandeur of glaciers like Barche, Gargooh, Yuneh, Rakaposhi and Dodoormal. It is A glacier terrain from which a host of streams and rivulets flow converging near Chirah-Khama glaciers giving the visual prospect a kaleidoscopic character. Winters here offer another spectacular panorama when all the water courses get frozen except the Bagrote nullah gushing forth from Chira-Khama glaciers. But it also shrinks somewhat, its turbulent flow of summer days now calm and quiet. The onset of winter wraps everything in a white sheet and the place becomes unrecognizable from...

Lake Wreaks Havoc on Fragile Mountain Economy

Published on:  Dawn News By  Syed Shamsuddin   The disaster that struck Attabad in Hunza early this year wreaked havoc on the economy of the Hunza-Nagar District, in particular, and GilgitBaltistan, in general.The  disruption of Karakoram Highway (KKH) has literally brought all economic activities including trade and tourism, of the region famous for picturesque tourist spots, to a grinding halt because of the lake formed at Attabad. The blockage of Hunza River and creation of a lake which has now swollen into a surging reservoir with its length spreading over an area of 25 kilometres submerging three villages – Ayeenabad, Shishkat, Gulmit, Ghulkin — in Gojal Tehsil and damaging houses, property and business. The lake is now heading towards Passu. The inhabitants of Ghulkin overlooking Gulmit, headquarter of Gojal, which is the largest and strategically important tehsil of HunzaNagar District, are feeling its impact. The lake has submerged over 165 houses, ...