Published on: Dawn News By S yed Shamsuddin A book Shina Literature and Poetry published recently is a trailblazing effort by Ghulam Hussain Anjum Danyori. The author has attempted to trace the origin and evolution of Shina language spoken by people inhabiting the Karakoram and Hindukush ranges along the Indus and Gilgit rivers. Tracing the origin of ‘Shina’ dialect in its correct historical perspective has always been a difficult and tentative exercise because of divergent views of other researchers. How the Shina language evolved is somewhat of a mystery that lies buried somewhere in the valleys of the mountains that have remained isolated for long despite travelers and adventurers traversing the land and carrying their accounts to the plains. But few such accounts yield any certain information about the languages of this area. Scarce indigenous material also gives few clues. There seems to have been no transmission of even folk knowledge from generati...
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