‘Seabuck thorn’ can help earn bread (dated September 14, 2002) By Syed Shamsuddin The prospects of mountain agriculture being scant, there seems no other brisk economic and commercial activity going on to substantially support the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. The per capita income here is at the lowest ebb when compared with other parts of the country in the aftermath of an unprecedented population explosion being witnessed here over the years. The result is poverty with the people getting trapped in its vicious cycle. In such a situation, efforts are needed to remedy this alarming state by seeking innovative alternatives for the present and future generations. A better future can be ensured by harnessing the indigenous resources to bring about an autarky in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner. All ‘seabuck thorn’ forests may be converted into nurseries on scientific lines to achieve maximal produce. It is also...
A dainty teacup infused with the rich and aromatic flavors of Gilgit-Baltistan