‘Seabuck thorn’ - Magic plant of Gilgit-Baltistan (Published in The Nation dated September 11, 2002) Syed Shams ud Din Nature has endowed Pakistan with vast resources and ‘seabuck thorn’ is indeed, one of them. For its stupendous ingredients, it is considered an elixir. This plant is found in abundance throughout Gilgit-Baltistan, hence its popularity and maximal growth on scientific lines can work wonders in eradicating poverty from the region. Following its fruitful experimentation, the neighboring China and Russia have reportedly converted all the natural growth areas of ‘seabuck thorn’ into nurseries spreading over thousands of acres of land. China got it planted on a large scale in certain backward regions some three decades knack that helped catapult them economically to unimaginable heights. The stupendous characteristics associated with this plant lately prompted the western countries like Finland, Belgium, Germany and Sweden to undertake ‘seabuck tho
A dainty teacup with the flavours from Gilgit-Baltistan