By Syed Shams Uddin The passing of one’s mother is an unfathomable sorrow, an agony that transcends the limits of expression. It is a wound that never heals, an emptiness that no earthly presence can ever fill. The departure of a beloved mother not only marks the severance of an unbreakable bond but also leaves behind a void so profound that the heart, no matter how resilient, struggles to bear its weight. It is the kind of grief that lingers indefinitely, an ever-present ache that time, despite its unrelenting march, fails to diminish. The loss of a mother is unlike any other bereavement. While all deaths are heartbreaking, the transition of one’s mother from this ephemeral world to eternity is a loss beyond measure. It is the end of a sanctuary, the disappearance of a source of boundless love, care, and warmth that once enveloped one’s existence. The moment she departs, the shelter crumbles, leaving her children orphaned in a world that, without her presence, feels bleak and unwelcom...
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